----------------------------- MEK ARENA INSTRUCTIONS MANUAL Sheet Two / The Mek ----------------------------- The mek is the centerpiece of the game. The player should be familiar with the mek and the components which make it tick. Armor - This is the outer skin of the mek, providing the player with the first line of defense. Armor is fairly cheap to replace, and there is no real limit on the amount of armor each mek may carry. Hull - Once the armor of a mek has been destroyed, the hull starts to wither down. Unlike armor, hull does not protect the user's vital components! When the hull is destroyed, the mek is useless. Hull is twice as expensive as armor to replace, and again there is no limit on the amount of hull each mek may carry. Components Grid - This is where armors and defense equipment are stored. Generally, it is kept safe by armor. The grid is a six by six square of components. There are twenty-three different types of components available, and they are listed below. Components form the core of the mek's abilities, from the force of its blows, to the speed of its feet. Each different component has unique abilities, and are explained below. All components are usually identified by their two digit codes. These are also listed below. AD - Acid Thrower - AD fires a corrosive stream of liquid at its target. The AD will always damage both the armor and hull of an opponent AM - Anti-Missiler - This handy item can shoot down 33% of all incoming missiles before they can cause damage. EN - Engine - Each engine in a mek provides one movement per combat turn, up to a maximum of twenty movements. Enhanced verions (EX) are also sometimes available to mercs. EP - EMP Generator - Only rumors of this device exists, and no one is really sure what it would do. M6 - Missile 6-pak - FC - Fusion Cannon - Rumored to be the most deadly weapon in existance, the FC has only been seen on a few meks. PC - Particle Beam - The heaviest weapon commonly available. Powerful, but has a low turn-around time. PL - Pulse Laser - A modified ML, the pulse laser strikes harder and farther. RF - Reflector - Halves the damage from all incoming lasers. S1 - Sheild - Reduces one point of damage from all incoming attacks. S2 and S3 versions are also available. SD - Scud Missie - A low power one-shot missile, guaranted to max out on damage with each strike. Mix (MX) missiles and Inferno (IF) missiles are also available. SL - Small Laser - SLs strike for low range and low damage. Medium and Long range versions of lasers are also available. A Laser Cannon (CL) is also available, but only to very well known and respected pilots. TP - Teleporter - Rare and expensive, the teleporter will instantly transport the mek randomly across the battlefield.